
Q1 2022: 13 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds

Everything you need to need to know about the largest global startup funding rounds of Q4 2021; broken down by industry, stage, investors, and more…

The 11 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of March 2022

Everything you need to need to know about the largest global startup funding rounds of March 2022; broken down by industry, stage, investors, and more…

The 20 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of June 2021

Everything you need to need to know about the largest global startup funding rounds of June 2021; broken down by industry, stage, investors, and more…

The 15 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of August 2019

Everything you need to need to know about the largest global startup funding rounds for August 2019; broken down by industry, stage, investors, and more…

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These are the 20 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of 2018

Chinese domination…

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The 20 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of September 2018

Armed with some data from our friends at CrunchBase, I broke down the largest startup funding rounds globally during the month of September.  I have included some additional information such as industry, round type, a brief description of the company, and total equity funding raised for the company to further the analysis. USE THE ARROWS BELOW TO NAVIGATE THE […]

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The 15 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of May 2018

Armed with some data from our friends at CrunchBase, I broke down the 15 largest startup funding rounds globally during the month of March.  I have included some additional information such as industry, round type, a brief description of the company, location, date of funding, and total equity funding raised for the company to further the analysis. […]

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